ThunderCats is an animated series created by Ted “Tobin” Wolf and first seen in 1985. The series follows the adventures of the ThunderCats, a group of cat-like humanoid aliens with supernatural powers.
When Thundera met its end, the thundercats began their long journey in search of a new planet that could host them. During the journey however, hostile creatures attacked the fleet. From the attack survived only the flagship , which also housed the Sword of Omens.
The third Earth was finally the planet the Thundercats could live on. But apart from them, the Mutants, their space enemies, also arrived on the planet. The battle for survival and dominance begins! Besides the Mutants, our beloved cats also have to deal with Mamra the ever-living, the witch-mummy who has haunted our childhood…
“Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!”
ThunderCats was perhaps one of the first series where, apart from the “main character”, we could well identify with the rest fo the team members as well. Each of the heroes had unique abilities and great character!
Who is your favorite Thundercat?
Some info about Thundercats
The leader of the ThunderCats who Inherited the throne of the ThunderCats after the death of his father, Claudus. During his epic adventure, he develops himself from an uninspired youth into a powerful and wise leader. With the unique sword of omens he faces Mamra and the rest of his enemies. His dedication to protecting a third Earth makes Lion-O a source of hope and strength for the ThunderCats.
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats HOOOOOOO!…
One of the main characters of ThunderCats, with the ability to sneak attack and to build machines. Second in command to Lion-O, he supports the team with his intelligence and expertise. Along the way, he gains a lot of experience and develops his skills in battle. His contribution to the team is irreplaceable, strengthening its cohesion and effectiveness in every adventure they face.
Strong and brave. Expert in combat and the use of combat vehicles. With his knowledge in engineering, he designs and builds many of the team’s inventions. He is known for his expertise in combat. His story is filled with many battles and adventures as he protects the rest of the ThunderCats and the third Earth from the threats of Mumm-Ra and their enemies.
Quick and agile with power and speed. As one of the team’s main female fighters, she couldn’t help but have exceptional skills in battle. Her instincts are strong and she quickly perceives upcoming dangers. Cheetara is a role model of strength, independence and courage in the group, contributing greatly to their resistance against evil.
WilyKit & WilyKat
The little brothers of the group. Despite their young age, they have impressive abilities. Even though they are young, they possess excellent fighting skills and they are adept at using tricks to outwit their opponents. They are also excellent thieves and adventurers. With inexhaustible spirit and unyielding determination, they contribute to the team, indicating the importance of solidarity and cooperation in meeting challenges.